Friday, October 15, 2010

We're in the TOP 20!!

I'm sooo excited!!  It was recently announced that Emily Rose @ Home is in the top 20 for The Start Up Nation's Leading Moms in Business!  Wow!  We only had a month to work in and for us to reach the top was amazing!!

Here's an excerpt:

"Thanks to the success of Emily Rose, in 2009 Lisa-Marie was able to fulfill her dream of helping other Moms (just like her) create businesses of their own when she introduced Emily Rose @Home, a home party network for Mom/Daughter entrepreneur teams. Emily Rose @Home has quickly become popular due to the high quality affordable products, as well as the "no recruiting" policy and single level structure. "We focus on building businesses, not recruiters", said Lisa-Marie."

If you'd like to read the complete article, here is the link:

Like Lisa-Marie states above, we do not recruit for our own businesses, the goal of our company is to help YOU build successful mother-daughter businesses that will last a long time!

If you are interested in trying out our business, first check here to look at all of the great benefits! Then use this code: LXNI55LW to get 10% off your starter package!

Disclaimer: When you use the code above, I will get a percentage of the cost depending on which package you choose.  However, you will not be on "my team,", you will have  your own business and be your own boss!

Love and Blessings!