Journey Girls from Toys R US |
I've been a doll "collector" since I was 37 years old (about 8 years or so). As an adult I find that doll play is relaxing, stimulating (to my imagination) and fun. It's an activity that I love to share with my daughter. I love naming my dolls and creating personas for them! No I'm not a nutcase, it's just something I enjoy doing and my daughter does as well!
So I'm wondering, what are your thoughts on this? How old is too old to play with dolls? In the article, it says that companies like MGA, Disney and Toys R Us are creating more mature looking dolls (preteen/teen rather than baby/toddler) to appeal to 5 - 11 year olds. Do you think mature looking dolls is the answer? I'm really curious to know your thoughts!
If you would like to read the whole article please look here.
Love and Blessings!