Thursday, September 16, 2010

Upcoming Michael's Event - 9/25

Hi everyone,

I just wanted share with you that Michael's the craft store, has an upcoming event for our American Girl's and their doll friends.  It will teach you how to throw a party American girl style!  Check out the Michael's website for more details on this 9/25 event!!  Oh and the best part about this?  It's FREE!!  If you go and check it out, plealse let us know how it was!

Love and Blessings!

Borders is giving away an American Girl Doll!

I have always loved the American Girl books.  I think they are well written and have purpose as well as being entertaining.  They teach girls good lessons and get them away from the TV!!  For this reason,  the new My American Dolls have really caught my interest.  I was excited to see Barnes and Noble doing a giveaway and now Border's has a giveaway too!  I do plan on reading the books with my daughter and having a doll to go along with the stories would be great!  Ok.. are you still here?  Go enter!!

Love and Blessings!

Monday, September 6, 2010

New American Girl Store draws thousands!

Wow!  I was reading through my American Girl alerts and came across this article:

Now I've been to the American Girl Store in New York, at Christmastime and it was crowded then.  Unless this Overland Park store is HUGE, I can't imagine that people were even able to walk around in there!!  But I can't really say I blame them for wanting to be one of the first!  I can't wait  My daughter can't wait until the one in Washington D.C. opens next summer (2011).  We are already planning our trip!!

Love and Blessings!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Barnes and Noble American Girl contest

Hello everyone,

Summer is winding down so hopefully I'll have a little more time to spend with you all!!

I'm sure you all know by now that American Girl has launched a new line of dolls called My American Girl.  They are dolls that can be made to look like your little girl.  A key feature of this line is the access to Innerstar University which is just for girls and their dolls! 

Check out the contest here and just for the fun of it, let me know which doll you would get if you won the contest?

Disclaimer:  This is not a sponsored post, I received NO compensation from Barnes & Noble or American Girl.

Love and Blessings!
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